Tag Archives: Birmingham Photographer

Rolling With Rachel Right Into The Class Of 2023 Senior Pictures!

Here we are – Class of 2023!!!  And we rolled right into the senior sessions on a perfect day in the B’ham with Rachel and her delightful mom Erin at Quarton Lake.  Even Chewy the wookie – okay the pup – joined on location to protect us lol…  So let’s get to the highlights!  We’re so excited for the new season!

Rolling With Rachel

We actually started in the studio for the yearbook pic and a little “black and blowy”…

Rolling With Rachel


Let’s also give a shoutout to Mandy Rose Studio for Rachel’s hair and makeup, and we have some behind the scenes here first on Instagram:

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A post shared by Doug & Ally Cohen (@frameablefaces)

At this point we headed to Birmingham and the weather was perfect!

Rolling With Rachel

Stunning Senior!!!

Now it’s Chewy’s turn!  Here’s the fun behind the scenes of the little guy getting into the mix from Facebook!


…and the adorable result!

Rolling With Rachel

We’ll leave you with one more…

Rolling With Rachel

And there you have it – rolling with Rachel right into the class of 2023!  Senior season is officially underway and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with Rachel to kick it off!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!
Get the Doug&Ally Morning Show PODCAST at the following links!!!
Pocket Casts ➡️ https://pca.st/2a51xcac
TuneIn ➡️ http://tun.in/tjz3HW


The Third Time Brings Us Chloe as a Spokesmodel and She’s a Charm!

Chloe is the third senior we’ve “borrowed” (hehe) from this family to put in front of Ally’s camera after sisters Alayna & Emily, but the third time is a charm since she’s the first spokesmodel from this fam!  All these girls are delightful so it’s not a surprise that Chloe is carrying on the tradition so well, it’s just cool that we get to photograph her twice!  Today we’re highlighting a few images from her spokesmodel session and the great day we had with her and her mom Krista as she represents the Birmingham Groves class of 2019!

Third Time’s A Charm….Named Chloe

We wanted to get a few photos in the studio first so we went with the black and blowy which we are doing with every spokesmodel…


Love that…

Next we broke out our pink backdrop which usually makes a couple of appearances in each senior class and we have some fun behind the scenes on this one from Facebook Live!

And here’s a pink pic:



At this point we headed outside – first to one of our favorite nature preserves for a few photos on a set of flat rocks we call “The Slab”:


And we have more behind the scenes fun from this part of the session from our Instagram Live – this is the raw video without comments from our YouTube Channel.

The last photo we’ll share was at the end of the session and involved a little adventure – a passerby suggested we walk about a “fifth” of a mile down the pathway to a “decking” with a great view.  It was more like a mile, we wouldn’t say it was a “decking” even though we’re not totally sure what a “decking” is supposed to be, and it wasn’t much of a view.  We were a little salty.  BUT – we still got a couple of amazing photos on the trail and this one is definitely one of our favorites from the day!!! 


Wowsers!  Just stunning….

And that’s a great one to finish with!  The third time was definitely a charm with Chloe and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with her!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

BECOME A PATRON!  Subscribe at our Patreon page for tips, tutorials, podcasts and even individual coaching on your photography or social media!  
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!


If We Could Build A Senior From Scratch, We Would Build Nick.

How to build a senior…..  Hmmmmm.  Well we’d start with some nice, add some smart, toss in a dose of passion, maybe some good looks (but that’s an optional ingredient), and we’d wrap it in a great family before we pop it in the oven to bake.  And hey look!  It appears we would build Nick!  Nick is a guy you just want to be around – just an all around good dude who is smart and dedicated as all get out to his twin passions baseball and football which he plans to play one of at the next level.  Heck he took one (?) day off transitioning from one to the other as he readies himself for his senior season as a captain at West Bloomfield playing in “The Swamp” (more on that later).  Actually you may remember Nick from his spokesmodel session and you may even remember his sister Emma who was a Frameable senior too!  What a great family – and mom Teresa is a delight too – she even reprised her role briefly guest hosting some of the behind the scenes live streaming (more on that later too hehe)!  So let’s get to it.

We Would Build Nick

It was nice to be able to get outside in the nice weather for a change with our guy since the last time we were on location with Nick he was being pelted by snow!  We focused first in downtown Birmingham for a few urban shots which came out really cool:

Build Nick

Great shot!  Very cool little stairwell we found…

We also have plenty of behind the scenes fun as usual…  first we went live on Facebook – don’t miss Nick’s awesome sign off at the end… hehe…..

Okay let’s take a look at a couple more photos from the city…

Build Nick

Plenty of walls and cool surfaces to use in Birmingham and Nick was prepared with the full pop up wardrobe suitcase for a few outfit changes.

Build Nick

Just chillin’…

To The Swamp!

At this point it was time to head over to WBHS – to “The Swamp” where they had just finished installing the brand new turf at the stadium which does indeed include the words “The Swamp” written across the turf on the home sideline!  They have a pretty rowdy and dedicated student section at the home football games!  We went live on YouTube for this segment (I didn’t realize I had my screen lock on at the beginning – but that’s LIVE – you just go with it).  The “Teresa Takeover” happens around the 6 minute mark!

And here is an awesome shot of Nick on the very field he and his Laker teammates plan to dominate this fall!

Build Nick

So there you have it!  Nick’s session rocked and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with him!  If we were going to build a senior from scratch we would definitely build Nick!

Equipment used:

These are our affiliate links to the products we used on this session:

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!




Nick Closes Out Our Class of 2017 Spokesmodels In Style!

Nick is next up in our Class of 2017 blog posts, and yes he’s the subject of the last of these, but he’s far from the least!  This guy is great – bursting with personality and we liked him the minute we met him.  Funny enough we ended up sealing the deal with him representing our studio as a spokesmodel when Ally and I went out to eat at Social Kitchen and Bar in Birmingham – Nick was the host that night and we didn’t even know it!  He was the first person to greet us when we walked in (we had already met with him and his mom Sally)!  Everything about that night was pretty cool as a side note – the restaurant has owners who are parents of one of our seniors, three of our former seniors work there, and now we’ve got Nick!  You should eat there – it’s awesome.

Nick Is Next…

But back to Nick.  This guy showed up with what seemed like a whole closet of clothes (according to him only a third of his wardrobe) and let’s just say the kid has style!  We joked that day and since that ya gotta have options!  Lol…  Let’s start with a formal shot on the black background:


What a stud.

At this point we headed outside because we wanted to get some variety in Birmingham, but before we look at those let’s see some behind the scenes action – first with our 6 second Vine for your looping pleasure…

Now for your extended viewing if you like here are the replays of our live Periscope broadcasts from our day.  If you haven’t downloaded Periscope yet you can do so and follow us at @FrameableFaces at this link.

Okay now for the location photos…  Shades, sun, flowers, steps, casual pose – cool!


And more steps….but a totally different aesthetic….


And we’ll leave you with this one – we like cityscapes with brick, alleys and the like!


Another awesome spokesmodel and another awesome session!  We may still have some fun recaps coming about our Class of 2017 team, but even more exciting we’ll have new seniors to present soon – including a new round of posts featuring this awesome crew of 9 as they return for their own senior pictures!

Sara In The City!

Sara in the city was a big hit!  Senior season is in full gear and we are photographing the class of 2015 pretty much non stop at this point.  We will have plenty more of these posts coming up as we are able to churn them out, and we are thrilled to bring you photos from this fantastic city session with Sara!  But before we go out to light up the night let’s start back at the beginning of the session with an adorable studio shot!

Sara’s mom Kelly was inspired by two different photos on the wall of our studio – one of a little girl looking over her shoulder and another of a one year old holding a massive lollipop – she came up with the idea of combining the two and Sara pulled it off for a memorable and adorable look!

sara in the city

After a little more studio work we hit Birmingham for some nighttime fun, and once the sun went down we broke out our location lighting (off-camera light box, Westcott Ice Light) and Sara really turned it on.  Lynyrd Skynyrd’s tour bus was parked outside the Townsend Hotel so we used it.  Pretty cool huh?

sara in the city

Here is a little behind the scenes vine of the evening: