Frameable Flower Pot Babies For Valentine’s Day!

This is actually our second Valentine’s Day post – here’s the first.  Meanwhile who doesn’t love flowers on Valentine’s Day right?  Well here are some Frameable Flower Pot Babies today from us to you!  These fun little ones are all right around 6 months old and as you can see they all really enjoyed themselves!  These photos should put a smile on your face for sure…  Enjoy!

Flower Pot BabiesFlower Pot BabiesFlower Pot BabiesFlower Pot BabiesFlower Pot BabiesFlower Pot BabiesFlower Pot Babies

When Should You Promote A Facebook Post? Part 2 – Results

Last month we wrote a piece about when to promote a facebook post which included a case study, and we mentioned that we would post a follow up with the results.

Facebook Results

For starters let’s just say the results were…..  successful to a degree but also a little mixed and confusing.  We spent $15 and it did seem to reach a lot of people.  From that standpoint we feel like we got what we paid for, but there are plenty of discrepancies in the numbers.  Sure there is a chance I’m just not understanding them completely but I think I’m a bright guy and if I can’t figure them out then I’m guessing I’m not the only one.  The engagement level was not quite what I’d expected either but I think there is a learning opportunity there.

Total Reach

Total Facebook Reach

First let’s look purely at the number of people the post reached.  Above is the graph that breaks it down into three categories.  When we selected the $15 dollar (highest) option it indicated that the reach we were paying for would be in the 2.5k – 3.5k range.  When I hover my cursor over each category the organic (people who like the page and either clicked on it themselves or had it appear in their news feed before I started the promotion) shows 372, the paid shows 1637, and the viral (people who saw it as a result of a friend liking, commenting on, or sharing the post) shows 76.  By my math that adds up to 2085 – not 1894 and still way short of the estimate I was given.   However….

Facebook Total Promotion Details

They also provide a promotion summary where I’m told that the paid reach of the post is 3215.  Uh…. okay….  so which is it?  1637 or 3215?  If 3215 is the number then I’m pleased with the reach.  We had about 940 people following our page at the time and we promoted this to our followers and their friends so if $15 bought me 3215 people seeing this post I’m good with that.  Side note: I have since found out from a friend who manages a page with a much larger following than ours that it would cost them much more to promote a post – facebook charges considerably more to a page with 100,000 followers than they do to a page with 1000  – like hundreds of dollars instead of $15.


So far we’ve looked at the pure mass numbers of people reached.  Now let’s dig into how the people who saw the post responded to it.  First we’ll look at engaged users:

Engaged facebook users for a promoted post

There were 33 engaged users (number of unique people who clicked on the post), 50 other clicks, so there were people in that group of 33 who came back to the post and clicked on it more than once.  There were 10 link clicks – this was a little disappointing since I thought that the thumbnail of the damaged photo of the tent in Vietnam would compel people to check out the link.  14 stories were generated (likes, comments, shares) and only 3 out of thousands hid the link (negative feedback) which is nice – it didn’t turn people off.  Overall not huge numbers of engagement.  This also doesn’t tell me what kind of collective impact the post had by showing up in thousands of news feeds, but I suspect that there was some impact that I can’t measure immediately.  We don’t typically advertise and I’m not an expert in open / click through rates etc. but I do know that when I promoted this our engagement level was over 1.5% and it ended up at .63%  When I promoted the post it had met the criteria for Jay Baer’s STIR strategy for when to promote a post which includes waiting 6 hours to promote and only if the post has over 1% engagement.  I may raise that to 3% going forward especially if it proves to be true that there will be a natural drop off in the percentage engagement once you send it out to people who may not be familiar with your brand.  The last graph of data they give you is the break down of the “stories generated” or people “talking about this”:

Facebook pie chart showing stats for a promoted post

11 likes (even though the earlier summary says 14), 2 comments, and 1 share.  I think it’s great when someone shares a post because the post then reaches a whole new audience.  One share isn’t much, but it’s better than a sharp stick in the eye.


So as I mentioned before I would say the results on this one were mixed.  The confusing numbers are a little troubling – even if it’s only $15 dollars I at least want accurate numbers.  Facebook is a public company now and these tools are part of the ways they are trying to generate revenue to show Wall Street they can be profitable, but they should clean up the data if this is so critical to their future.  As for whether we would promote again?  I would say yes but still very selectively.  This one while not a complete flop was not a home run but that’s okay – they aren’t all going to be home runs.  That’s on us to make sure we learn what content has the most value and appeal for our followers.

Have you paid to sponsor or promote a facebook post?  What kind of results have you seen?

The Whole Family Was Here and it Was A Blast!

When the impetus for a session is to have both children with their spouses and all five grandchildren together it’s as good a reason as any, and when one of the children has a connection to Ally going back to college days that makes it even more fun for us!  What a joy for the grandparents to have their whole family together and captured to decorate their walls!

Multi-generational Family Portrait

We had some laughs on this one to be sure – if you follow us on facebook we shared a “photography tip” that arose from this session.  Ally needed to make the youngest kids laugh so she told them that she pooped in her diaper.  They were CRACKING UP at this announcement!  It was hilarious.  There was lots of talk about photography and music and all the adults were jumping around and acting silly to get the kids to smile at one point which was pretty funny….  We hope you enjoy these images as much as we enjoyed producing them!

Family PortraitFamily PortraitSiblings and Cousins

Happy Valentine’s Day Starring The Baby For All Seasons!!!

We have been photographing this little superstar since he was born and he’s pretty scrumptious.  You can actually see he’s yummy below because his mommy was eating him up and left kisses all over him!!!  So this photo will serve as our Happy Valentine’s Day wish to you starring one of our favorite little Frameables!

Valentine's Day baby

Happy Valentine’s Day!

As a bonus you’ll see why we’ve referred to him as the “baby for all seasons” because he came to the studio in October and transformed into a tasty little chunky pumpkin, and yes this was a real pumpkin!  It was chilly in there but he didn’t complain – he totally rocked that shoot and as you can imagine we had a ton of fun with both of these shoots.  Each session attracted a crowd of smiling people outside the studio – how could you look at these and not smile?  🙂

Happy Halloween baby

Happy Halloween!

These Adorable Sisters Are Growing Up!

When we met these beautiful young sisters three years ago we were taken with them immediately!  They were comfortable in front of the camera from the very beginning and that hasn’t changed at all.  Younger sis was one of our very first “flower pot” babies when she was 6 months old!  She’s 3 1/2 now with personality to burn and her older sister who was 6 then is quite the 9 year old young lady now!

Adorable Sisters

They were very well prepared and coordinated for this shoot and we had a great time with them.  It makes for a very special photo shoot when you can reconnect with the kids you knew from so little and watch them grow up right in front of your camera!  Enjoy!

Pretty In PurplePretty As A RainbowCute Sisters

The Frameable Faces 2013 Campus Tour Continues at U of M!!!

And so the campus tour rolled along…  this time into Ann Arbor to see a couple of our favorite Frameable Wolverines!  The cold front was just moving in and the weather was bitter cold but we didn’t let that stop the fun……or the FOOD!  Shocking we know….    🙂

The Frameable Faces Campus Tour checks in at Pizza House!

The Frameable Faces Campus Tour checks in at Pizza House!

Nicole and Cheyenne met us at Pizza House – one of the most popular spots on campus and home of the best chipatis you’ll find anywhere.  A chipati is a yummy salad wrapped in yummy and warm chipati bread served with chipati sauce.  The pizza and garlic bread rocks as well – actually pretty much everything is good at Pizza House…  It was a historic MLK day with this year marking the 50th anniversary of the “I Have A Dream” speech and it was also inauguration day.  The girls didn’t have classes and we were able to relax and catch up for a couple hours in the late afternoon for an early dinner.

Pizza and Chipati

Chicago style deep dish pizza and a chipati! Mmmmm....

Ally and the Frameable Wolverines

Ally and a couple of her favorite Frameable Wolverines!

Doug with Nicole and Cheyenne

Doug with Nicole and Cheyenne

In keeping with the theme established in East Lansing, we took a stroll over to Insomnia Cookies for dessert…  and we can only say that it’s a good thing there isn’t one of these in West Bloomfield.  It’s dangerous enough with a Just Baked right across the street from the studio (YUM), but late night cookie delivery could be a big problem.  🙂

Insomnia Cookies

Yet again at Insomnia Cookies.... So goood...

Another fun trip with two of our Frameables who are also responsible for two of our greatest images ever – Nicole standing in the water with the beautiful orange sunset many of you have seen and the stunning image of Cheyenne printed on the big beautiful plexiglass which still hangs in the studio.  We love our Frameable Seniors and we love to share in their successes as they enjoy their college experience!

The Frameable Faces 2013 Campus Tour! First stop… MSU!

We have been saying for a long time that it would be fun to visit our seniors when they go away to college, so this year we launched the first annual Frameable Faces Campus Tour! We started out with a trip to East Lansing to visit our Frameable Spartans, and we had a great time!

Frameable Faces Photography, El Azteco

Frameables at "El Az"!

As usual this get together centered around food.  We arrived on campus and picked up Lainie, Jessica, and Chelsea at their apartments/dorms and headed over to El Azteco which is a Mexican dining favorite at Michigan State for the famous Topopo Salad.  We had lots of laughs and it was great to catch up!  If you enjoy a good salad and you haven’t had one of these you are missing out….

Topopo Salad

Two Topopos! Yum!

Frameable Faces Campus Tour 2013

Ally with some of her favorite Frameable Spartans!

Doug with Jessica, Chelsea and Lainie

Doug with Jessica, Chelsea and Lainie

We then walked a few blocks over to Insomnia Cookies – one of the best concepts ever.  Cookies served warm and even delivered until 2:45 AM – wish we would have had this when we were in college….

Insomnia Cookies

The Insomnia Cookies didn't last long...


Each one of these girls were responsible for some our best “iconic” shots of all time – Lainie actually IN the water with a dress on, Jessica in the snow in a white dress, and Chelsea on the pink background on a huge canvas that hung in our studio for a long time.  Three of our all time favorites!  All in all it was a great night and we hope to do this every year!  Next stop, Ann Arbor….!

When Should You Promote A Facebook Post? A Case Study

This is really a follow up post to “Restoring History” which focused on photo restoration.  Here is a little social media strategy discussion – as of this writing the strategy for the “Restoring History” post is in a test mode as we speak, and hopefully we can get some results we can learn from as we go along….

Promoting Posts on Facebook

The Option To Promote A Facebook Post

For those who may not know, Facebook rolled out a new tool a few months ago where you can pay to promote your status updates so that they will reach more users.  They also changed their algorithms so that posts don’t automatically reach as many folks as they used to without paying.  If you post something that people love, comment and share then you can still get good results but it’s not a gimme like it was before.  Many people became very upset about this when they saw their reach suddenly dwindle unannounced.  I’ve written in the past about staying the course and not freaking out about it – in a way it’s a good thing because now boring lame content doesn’t get the free ride it used to get and good content that is useful and interesting still gets rewarded.  Meanwhile if you want to give your content a boost you can pay to have it promoted.

Facebook Tool for Promoting Posts

Identifying A Guru For Some Guidance

Jay Baer is a social media strategist and author whom I follow and he posted a great article with the criteria he uses for determining How To Know When To Promote A Facebook Post back on 10/27/12.  If you manage a facebook business page it’s worth reading and bookmarking.  In short he discusses a 4 part “STIR” criteria that includes a waiting period to figure out first if your post is engagement worthy on its own, and the suggestion to promote a post that has a link to click on or some call to action.

Other Factors To Consider

Before yesterday we only promoted twice.  Each time we did the minimum level and we only promoted to people who already like our page.  There is also the option of promoting to people who like your page and their friends.  Depending on your product, your overall Facebook strategy, and the post you are promoting there are a few factors to consider in addition to “STIR” when promoting:

  1. Organic vs. paid approach.  We’ve been fiercely committed to earning Facebook likes one at a time without gimmicks to inflate our numbers.  We want our content to be entertaining and useful.  Being “salesy” is spammy and boring.  We want people to like our page because it’s likeable – not because we beg for it or flood their news feeds (they’ll shut us off if we do that anyway).  Too many promoted posts can threaten that aesthetic which is why we had only done it twice before.
  2. First impression if you go outside your likes.  If you promote a post to your likes and their friends keep in mind that this post may be for many their first exposure to your brand.  Is this post focused on a topic that is more tightly focused on current clients?  Make sure the post serves as a good first impression and consider whether it has broad appeal.
  3. Geography and goal of the post.  Make sure you are going to get the proper bang for your buck.  If you are a local business that can only serve local clients then you may want to be careful about promoting to your likes and their friends.  You may spend money reaching too many folks who are out of state and may never be your client.  Then again word of mouth can travel out of state and then back into your neighborhood from afar so it’s not that black and white, but just be sure to consider what are you trying to accomplish with the additional exposure you are paying for.

The Case Study

So we’ll let you in on the strategy we used yesterday when we promoted the post “Restoring History”.  We did the maximum amount with the option of promoting to our likes and their friends for a three day period.  First off the post met all 4 of Jay Baer’s STIR criteria before we promoted it.  We also considered the 3 additional factors outlined above:

  1. Even though it’s a promoted post which by definition isn’t exactly an organic approach, we feel it is interesting and useful content which keeps with the spirit of how we attract folks to our page.  I’m not promoting a BIG SALE! or running a cheesy contest to just gain empty likes.  If people follow us as a result they’ll likely do it because they appreciate the content – it will expose them to our blog and maybe they’ll see there is real value here.  Like we mentioned before, we do NOT promote often and that won’t change.
  2. Even though photo restoration is NOT our core business by any means, I don’t mind this post creating a first impression of our studio to people who don’t know us.  It’s a thoughtful post that will show we have something worthwhile to say and we think it has broad appeal.  Not a bad way to discover Frameable Faces.
  3. This is one service and maybe the ONLY service that we offer that we can offer to people out of state without them ever visiting our studio.  While I don’t anticipate a ton of out of state photo restoration business, in theory as long as someone can scan the damaged photo and send it to us we can do the rest – have it restored, print it, ship it.  Therefore if going outside of our likes takes us out of our local geography here and there in the process that’s okay.

We will post an update to share the results good and bad.  Let us know if you’ve had experiences with promoted posts and if you have anything to add!

Photo Restoration – Restoring Vietnam War History

Sometimes photo restoration can be just as rewarding as creating a new photo.  Mike is a client who brought in an incredible photo that was damaged, creased and tattered to see if we could fix it.  You can see the results below and after learning that this was what Mike called home while serving our country in Vietnam we can only imagine what this photo means to him.  Actually I’m sure that most of us cannot imagine it, but you can feel that you are looking at an important piece of history – personal and national – when you see it.  To be able to restore this image to such a pristine state is a very rewarding thing and Mike was gracious enough to allow us to share it on our blog.  The next time you get annoyed about your living conditions – you wish your kitchen was a little bigger or you can’t stand the draft along the floor in your bedroom, think about what the soldier deals with while he/she is out there defending our country.

Vietnam photo - before photo restoration

Before restoration













Vietnam photo - after photo restoration

After restoration



We asked Mike a couple of questions about the photo and here is what he had to say:

Frameable Faces:  So Mike, tell us what is in this photo?

Mike:  This is a picture of what I called home for some time when I was serving in Vietnam.  I prefer not to talk too much about my time over there, but the photo definitely means a lot to me.

Frameable Faces:  Can you tell us more about the photo?  Did you take the photo yourself and did you have it developed once you returned home?

Mike:  I took the photo myself with a throwaway camera.  I wasn’t going to take an expensive camera over there and my mom actually sent over a disposable camera for me to use.  I had to just keep the camera on me since there was obviously nowhere to get it developed where I was.  I brought it back to the U.S. when I returned in 1967 and that’s when I got it developed.

Frameable Faces:  Well we are glad we were able to restore it for you and we hope you are happy with the way it turned out.  Thank you so much for sharing and for your service!

Mike:  You are welcome and I couldn’t be happier – this photo deserved to be restored and I’m putting it in a frame so I can display it properly.  You guys did a perfect job on this!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!



What A Fun Way To Spend A Holiday! Part 2!!!

Yesterday we posted some peaks from a family session we did on Christmas day and we mentioned that it was one of two families we photographed that day, and to stay tuned for the other one….   Well here is the other one – this is “part two” of What A Fun Way To Spend A Holiday!West Bloomfield Photographer, Frameable Faces Photography

















We couldn’t have asked for better back to back families that day.  We have a couple of connections to this family and this was the first time we had all four of them in the studio together for a photo session.  Lots of good music being jammed and discussed, and a lot of just general catching up being done.  Great people, great photos!  We even took a photo of these two extremely sophisticated gentlemen worthy of the cover of Cigar Aficianado!  😉West Bloomfield Photographer, Frameable Faces PhotographyWest Bloomfield Photographer, Frameable Faces PhotographyWest Bloomfield Photographer, Frameable Faces Photography