Tag Archives: East Lansing

Jen and Alaina Handle Their Business Graduating From MSU!

We had such a blast with these two besties in East Lansing – both grads of the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State!  Jen and Alaina are both delights – smart, beautiful, nice, fun – a power duo for sure!  We bounced around campus on a PERFECT day to get some pics so let’s get to a couple highlights!

Jen and Alaina Handle Their Business!

Let’s start on the bridge by the stadium…

Jen and Alaina

And we have some fun behind the scenes first from Instagram:


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A post shared by Doug & Ally Cohen (@frameablefaces)

Now for a couple solo portraits!  First Jen:

Jen and Alaina

Alaina’s turn!

Jen and Alaina

And of course we had to get the bubbly for the grand finale – here’s the fun from Facebook:

And the result!

Jen and Alaina


We love these two and we can’t wait to see them go forth and accomplish big things!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with Jen and Alaina!


Frameable Faces Photography

Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Detroit Jerky (our other company): http://www.detroitjerkyllc.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!
Get the Doug&Ally Morning Show PODCAST at the following links!!!
Pocket Casts ➡️ https://pca.st/2a51xcac
TuneIn ➡️ http://tun.in/tjz3HW



Kicking Off The Class Of 2024 College Grad Pics With Spartans!

Ah yes, Spring is in the air and so is college graduation!  This has become such a fun time of year for us and if this first crew of the 2024 college grad season in East Lansing is any indication it’s going to be a fantastic one!!!  We also lucked out with the weather – it was a beautiful sunny morning on campus!

2024 College Grad Pics with Spartans!

Let’s get to some highlights – how adorable is this group?

2024 college grad

There are plenty of spots around campus to use – some of them iconic and some of them spur of the moment!  The Sparty statue is obviously pretty iconic…

2024 college grad

Here’s a little behind the scenes from the bridge by the stadium…

Next is one of those spur of the moment pics – when you see a prime spot for this fantastic five to sit and the sun is hitting just right?  Spectacular!!!

2024 college grad

Now it was time to change into casual clothes and have some fun…

2024 college grad

This crew of besties loves each other!

And then….. there’s this.  LOL.



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A post shared by Doug & Ally Cohen (@frameablefaces)

And one of the results – we’ll leave you with this one – they really nailed it with the bubbly.  On this one you can barely see them!  Sometimes it’s about the moment….

Ha!  Congrats girls!!!
We had a blast with these Spartans and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of our morning with them!

Frameable Faces Photography

Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!
Get the Doug&Ally Morning Show PODCAST at the following links!!!
Pocket Casts ➡️ https://pca.st/2a51xcac
TuneIn ➡️ http://tun.in/tjz3HW

Spartans Will, and We Will (and did) Photograph Them!

Spring time is fast becoming one of our favorite seasons for the studio because of all the college grads we have been photographing, and this post is one of those extra special ones for us – we’ll get to that at the end… 😉

Spartan Strong and Spartans Will, So Sparty On!

Listen, we are more than aware having been a part of it ourselves with our son Tony that the Spartan graduating class of 2023 arguably went through more adversity than most graduating classes in the history of our country.  They were the class who was sent home as freshman for the pandemic lockdown, and then as seniors they endured the trauma of the mass shooting tragedy that took the lives of three fellow Spartans on campus this year.  As a group and as a community they persevered and came out strong on the other side, bonded and united together and ready for the future.  We are just happy we got to celebrate some smiles with a handful of them to focus on the overall great experience that each one of them ultimately had in East Lansing.

So here are a few images of a couple of the groups we photographed on the banks of the Red Cedar!

First up: Rachel, Elyssa, and Maggie!


Adorable!  And now it’s time to really celebrate!!!



Next group… Ellie, Leah and Kailee!


Gotta get the pic with Sparty…


Professionally we don’t want to show favorites.  Personally this next senior is our all time favorite…. we saved him for last.


And with his adorable girlfriend, Willa!


We’re soooooo proud of him.

And there you have it!  Spartans will indeed and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of a few of our sessions in East Lansing! 

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!
Get the Doug&Ally Morning Show PODCAST at the following links!!!
Pocket Casts ➡️ https://pca.st/2a51xcac
TuneIn ➡️ http://tun.in/tjz3HW

The 2017 Frameable Faces Campus Tour Was A Blast!


This month we decided it was time to go back to school!  Because like, we really miss college.  Okay well not exactly – we embarked on the 2017 Frameable Faces Campus Tour which was our third one!  We did campus tours back in 2013 and 2015 – not necessarily by design although the bi-annual approach may work going forward.  We’ll see since they are pretty darn fun.  You see we love our high school seniors and we miss them when they go away!  They often visit when they come home but we like to head up to Ann Arbor and East Lansing once in a while to see them and feed them – college kids love food right?  We get to reconnect with them and find out what’s going on in their lives and their parents get to see that they’re alive and well!  Haha!

2017 Frameable Faces Campus Tour!2017 Frameable Faces Campus Tour – First Stop, Michigan Wolverines!  GO BLUE!

We started out at U of M and we met at the traditional campus tour spot Pizza House right in the middle of campus!  We even got to Ann Arbor a little early and did a little snapchat story where we included a couple other stops on campus in addition to all the obligatory selfies with our Frameable Wolverines!  Here’s the snap story:

We also grabbed a quick Facebook Live video while we were visiting with our friends….  🙂

Lastly we walked around and gave our Periscope community a little tour of central campus and one of our seniors Becca made another random cameo – so fun!

Here’s the Instagram collage we posted that summed it all up:

2017 Frameable Faces Campus Tour












That wraps up our a-MAIZE-ing day at Michigan!  One week later it was time to…

Sparty On!  The 2017 Frameable Faces Campus Tour Rolls Into East Lansing!

Now we have to put a disclaimer on this…  we thought heading up to MSU on MLK Day would be a good idea because the University was open but there were no classes.  And that would have been a great plan.  What wasn’t a great plan was not checking the weather, because had we done that we would been aware of the freezing rain that came down most of the day.  Not kidding – we saw over twenty cars in the ditch on either side of I-96 on the way up to East Lansing.  The weather put a slight damper on the plans – we didn’t get up there early enough to do a snap story around campus like we did in Ann Arbor and our turnout wasn’t as big.  BUT – we didn’t let that stop us from having a great time anyway with a few of our faves!  Here’s our Snap Story with our selfies, topopo salads & Insomnia cookies!

We also have a fun Facebook Live video from El Azteco…

Fun!  And here’s our Instagram collage from MSU…

2017 Frameable Faces Campus Tour!












And that about sums up the tour!  We had so much fun visiting with our former Frameables and it’s such a thrill to see them thriving and learning up at school!  We wish we could get to all of the other schools too but time and logistics make it impossible!  Suffice it to say this is how we feel about all of our former seniors!!!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of the 2017 Frameable Faces Campus Tour!


Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Being “Frameable” is an attitude, a community, a way of life – a life you would want to celebrate and display on your walls for all to see!  Tell us… ARE YOU FRAMEABLE?
Join the Frameable Faces Community – sign up for our email newsletter for the best of the week in the Frameable Faces World!  Click here!

It’s The Frameable Faces 2015 Campus Tour!

Every now and then you need to go back to school right?  Well that’s just what we did with the Frameable Faces 2015 Campus Tour!  This year’s tour included stops in Ann Arbor and East Lansing and we had a blast hanging out with some of our favorite former seniors!  High School senior pictures are so fun for us and we get pretty close to many of our seniors so it’s really special for us to be able to visit them up at college!

First Stop – Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan Wolverines!!!

We made Ann Arbor our first stop where we met at Pizza House just like the 2013 tour, where we hung out, ate some yummy pizza and garlic bread.  Nicole Davidson (Frameable Faces class of 2011), Jarred Bratley and Cheyenne Stone (FF class of 2012), and Mara Cranis and Alanah Bratley (FF class of 2014) all met us and we caught up for a while.

2015 Campus Tour

2015 Campus Tour

Afterwards it was time to get over to Insomnia Cookies for a little dessert – YUM!

2015 Campus Tour

All in all a great day!  GO BLUE!

Next Stop – East Lansing and the Michigan State Spartans!!!

Our next stop was a dicey proposition because we planned it for a Sunday evening on the weekend of the Elite 8 and if the Spartans won on Friday they would be playing on Sunday – we just didn’t know when.  As it turned out they won and were scheduled to play on Sunday at 2, so when we rolled into town for dinner at El Azteco, the campus was buzzing since the Spartans had just punched their ticket to the Final Four.  Chelsea Cage (FF class of 2011) and Bri Dines (FF class of 2013) met us for a topopo salad feast – just like we did on the 2013 tour.

2015 Campus Tour

2015 Campus Tour

This time around we decided to change it up a bit for dessert though and go to the MSU Dairy Store for ice cream.  They have flavors in honor of the different Big Ten schools, so I got a scoop of Maize-N-Berry on top of a scoop of Buckeye Blitz.  Ha!  Delish!

2015 Campus Tour

2015 Campus Tour

Always remember if you’re the one taking the group selfie to cut off half of your face like our daughter Lacey did above – it’s a thing…  No really – it is.

One last point to make here – we are so proud of Nicole and Chelsea – the two seniors in the group.  Nicole is graduating from U of M and is continuing on to med school, and Chelsea is graduating from MSU and has been hired by General Motors!  So there it is – the 2015 Frameable Faces Campus Tour – one of our favorite things to do!

The Frameable Faces 2013 Campus Tour! First stop… MSU!

We have been saying for a long time that it would be fun to visit our seniors when they go away to college, so this year we launched the first annual Frameable Faces Campus Tour! We started out with a trip to East Lansing to visit our Frameable Spartans, and we had a great time!

Frameable Faces Photography, El Azteco

Frameables at "El Az"!

As usual this get together centered around food.  We arrived on campus and picked up Lainie, Jessica, and Chelsea at their apartments/dorms and headed over to El Azteco which is a Mexican dining favorite at Michigan State for the famous Topopo Salad.  We had lots of laughs and it was great to catch up!  If you enjoy a good salad and you haven’t had one of these you are missing out….

Topopo Salad

Two Topopos! Yum!

Frameable Faces Campus Tour 2013

Ally with some of her favorite Frameable Spartans!

Doug with Jessica, Chelsea and Lainie

Doug with Jessica, Chelsea and Lainie

We then walked a few blocks over to Insomnia Cookies – one of the best concepts ever.  Cookies served warm and even delivered until 2:45 AM – wish we would have had this when we were in college….

Insomnia Cookies

The Insomnia Cookies didn't last long...


Each one of these girls were responsible for some our best “iconic” shots of all time – Lainie actually IN the water with a dress on, Jessica in the snow in a white dress, and Chelsea on the pink background on a huge canvas that hung in our studio for a long time.  Three of our all time favorites!  All in all it was a great night and we hope to do this every year!  Next stop, Ann Arbor….!