Tag Archives: frameable faces

The B Boys Being Boys!

You’ve heard the saying “Boys will be boys”?  These guys were no exception!  But they were completely and totally adorable!  Lots of laughs and LOTS of personality!

Mom was a bit worried that we wouldn’t “get anything good” from this session and she warned us before the session that the boys might give us a hard time.  But since we’re complete “professionals,” we were able to get some awesome expressions!  You know how we do it… silly words and of course screaming really loudly…You know…Totally professional!  Ahhhh….the things we do for our clients!  Ha!!!


Whole Lotta Love!

Family Portraits, Frameable Faces Photography

You may have noticed we (and other frameables) have fallen in love with this pose...

If you’ve ever met Doug, you’ll know that he’s a total music freak.  There are very few people our age that can even come close to his eclectic tastes and can have the level of music knowledge to have a conversation about it.  And then came these guys…..

When we met “M”, we knew that she was an exceptionally cool, down-to-earth girl.  Then when we had the photo session and she came in with bags, yes BAGS, of clothes for her family, we knew she’d won Ally over.  During the photo session, which was filled with laughter, cuteness, “boy” jokes and fun chit chat, we were able to capture some really great shots of these guys.  Supremely photogenic takes on a whole new meaning with this family.
 Child Photography, West Bloomfield Photographer
At the end of our time together, M was talking with Doug about music and she was totally holding her own with him!  Y had to take the kids down the hall for some yummy Mickey Mouse pancakes, but it was pretty cool to hear M and Doug chatting about Joe Walsh – M is bit of a rock and roller!  That’s why we’ve aptly named this post after a classic rock song – Led Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love!
Gotta love super awesome families that you just totally get!

And We Laughed, and Laughed, and Laughed….

What a fun family to be able to photograph!  From the moment we met S, we knew it was going to be a fun one!
 Family Portrait
There are lots of fun stories that have come out of this session, and when we say that we laughed and laughed…we really did!  C and S are some seriously amazing sisters with an amazing dad.  Brilliant, beautiful and so freakin’ funny!!!  This family kept Ally on her toes with their fun antics, awesome personalities and silliness.   There were some definite “behind the scenes” images taken that C made Ally delete immediately, lots of emotions and a WHOLE LOTTA giggles!  Even younger brother G got in on the laughs!  And he was a total rockstar, too- flashed us some award-winning smiles and everything!!  Little sister princess S was a total diva.  She loved dressing up in the tutus and posing.  And she’s not even 10 yet!!!  Watch out, Daddy!
 Father and SonDaddy and his Girls
The M family was a definite joy to have in the studio!  Probably one of our most fun sessions!  Stop by if you’d like to see some of the outtakes from their session!  We’ve got some really GREAT ones!  Ha ha ha!!!!!!  Just kidding!  😉

Family Fun, Brotherly Love!

Family Portrait, Frameable Faces Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerWe ordered up a perfect day for this session with a family we’ve known for a long long time, and it was a blast!  The boys had a lot of fun clowning around (which provided for some hilarious outtakes) and we had so much fun photographing them.  We were actually the first people to randomly bump into them on an Ann Arbor sidewalk minutes after they got engaged years ago, and now they are a complete family!

What Pulp Fiction Can Teach Us About Internet “Trolls”

I am all about practicing proper etiquette online.  I am also all about being truthful.  Somewhere in between I find it can get a little blurry.

Internet Trolls, Social MediaTrolls

There has been much written about “trolls” – the Wikipedia definition of a troll is as follows:

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

I have yet to see any trolls on this blog (hope I didn’t just jinx it), but I find the above description to be a little subjective.  “Extraneous or off-topic messages” intended to provoke are obviously inappropriate, but I wonder about  the “inflammatory” messages.  Is posting a different opinion automatically a bad thing as long as you aren’t being mean or blatantly offensive?  Certainly people could view that as inflammatory, but can’t debate be healthy as opposed to everyone just agreeing and patting each other on the back?  Besides, intent is hard to measure and someone could get upset and have an emotional response even though no offense was intended or expected…  People blog, post, and tweet expecting and hoping for responses, so shouldn’t they be prepared for different viewpoints?  It reminds me of a scene in Pulp Fiction where Mia Wallace and Vincent Vega are having dinner at Jack Rabbit Slim’s (you can actually read the entire script here– pretty cool):

                       Actually, there's something I've
                       wanted to ask you about, but you
                       seem like a nice person, and I
                       didn't want to offend you.

                       Oooohhhh, this doesn't sound like
                       mindless, boring, getting-to-know-
                       you chit-chat.  This sounds like
                       you actually have something to say.

                       Only if you promise not to get

                       You can't promise something like
                       that.  I have no idea what you're
                       gonna ask.  You could ask me what
                       you're gonna ask me, and my natural
                       response could be to be offended.
                       Then, through no fault of my own, I
                       woulda broken my promise.

Who is really the troll?

As far as I’m concerned just follow a few rules and use discretion and you should generally be okay.  I’ve gotten better at this as I’ve gotten older – I’ve grown up (a little) and owning a business that is really a people business has given me new and varied perspectives.  Besides, representing a brand online forces you to exercise restraint and diplomacy.

1) Be nice to people

2) Choose your words carefully knowing that a typed message can be interpreted differently than when you say it out loud.

3) Be careful talking about religion or politics and maybe think twice about bringing it up at all in a public forum – strangers will likely attack you.

4) Remember 1,2, and 3 but – don’t be scared to share your thoughts.  If someone attacks you for a thoughtful comment that doesn’t fall exactly into line with the opinion of the blogger and his/her minions then who is really the troll?  A blogger who bullies people into fear of reprisals if they disagree is a blogger you may not want to follow.

What about you?  Have you been attacked by a troll?  Have you been accused of being one?

“G” Was This Family Photo Session Fun!

Family Portrait, Frameable Faces Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerWe met the G family relatively recently when their oldest son became friends with our little guy.  The boys became friends and then we followed suit pretty quickly afterwards!

It’s been kind of a whirlwind, really.  You know how there are people who once you connect with them, it’s like you’ve always known them and been friends with them?  Yeah, that’s us and these guys!  R had mentioned that she’d really like a nice new updated family photo and some nice ones of the boys together.  She was a little bit worried that since we’ve become so close, the boys wouldn’t take it seriously and do it the way that she’d like.  BUT, truth be told, the boys totally rocked it and I’m pretty sure they had fun doing it, too!  We were able to capture some amazing real, natural smiles, some sweet tender moments and had a little bit of fun mixed up in there, too.
This is one of the reasons we love our job.  The look on R’s face when we showed her some of these images was priceless.  These guys really do have a heart of gold!  <3

The Frameable Faces Blog “Quest for Guests”!

The Frameable Faces "Quest For Guests"!


One of the themes we’ve tried to instill in our studio is that of community.  We see Frameable Faces not just as the studio you can visit at the Orchard Mall, but as all of us – especially our clients who really are the Frameable Faces (or #Frameables as we like to tweet them).  As our blog evolves and grows we thought it would be a splendid idea to get more of you involved and so the “Quest for Guests” idea was born!  We would like to open this up just to Frameables (our clients) for starters and see where it goes, but the idea is to have someone write a guest post for our blog.  There are a couple of basic parameters involved:

1.  The article does not have to be about Frameable Faces nor does it need to be photography related – it can be but it doesn’t have to be.

2.  The article should provide some value whether it’s informative, or simply entertaining.  We prefer not to go overly heavy or serious.  If you have your own blog or business we definitely want to highlight that!  But here’s the key – don’t make the post a commercial or sales pitch for your business.  Write an article that will help people – demonstrate your expertise with some helpful tips.  If you have a blog of your own which is simply your outlet for your thoughts then give us a couple of your thoughts or even a good story.  If you are a fan of our blog, don’t have a business of your own or a blog but feel you have something to add to the conversation feel free to do that too!

3.  The article should ideally be 500-800 words and include at least one related image (if you are struggling with the image part let us know and we can help you).  Also include a short 2-3 sentence bio, a bio image (125×125 pixels is a good guide but we can help you with that too), a good title for your post, and links you want us to include (website, fb, twitter etc.).

4.  Send your article in an email to doug@frameablefaces.com.  We’ll scan it for typos etc. and let you know if there are any minor changes before we post it.  Keep in mind that dependent on the number of posts we receive and/or the subject matter we can’t guarantee that your post will be published.  We hope you understand.

We are excited to see where this goes and we hope the Frameables will get to know each other a little better!  We hope you will enjoy reading a guest post and that you will comment and join in!


Peace, Love, Spokesmodels, and Frameable Faces!

We had our second annual high school senior spokesmodel party yesterday for the Frameable Faces class of 2013 and it was a blast!  Our group of 11 had been looking forward to this for a while and to finally see all the spokesmodels in the studio together wearing Frameable Faces t-shirts and having fun is one of the real highlights of the year for us.  Each year we try to take it up one more notch and we definitely did this year…

When the spokesmodels arrived yesterday all of their t-shirts were laid out on a table with their spokesmodel cards which they can pass out to their friends.

Senior Spokesmodels, Metro Detroit Photographer, Frameable Faces Photography

Frameable Faces t-shirts!

Once everyone arrived and introduced themselves to each other they started exchanging cards and I think some sort of card game broke out…  hilarious!

Next was a special presentation – this year we added the spokesmodel video which includes video clips and images from each of the sessions – take a look!

Frameable Faces Spokesmodels Class of 2013!

After raucous applause we got down to the business of taking pictures for this year’s composite photo which will be revealed soon so stay tuned!  We can’t wait to see the results of this – in the meantime here is last year’s from the class of 2012 which adorns one of our studio windows as a huge mural!

class of 2013 spokesmodels

We were about to eat dinner next but everyone decided that they had to first put on our tutus for some bonus fun – what is it with seniors and tutus?  Meanwhile one of our spokesmodels (Kyle) had to leave early leaving Donovan as the only boy – I don’t think he minded and things got pretty funny as you can see by clicking the link below…  at this point Samantha hadn’t arrived yet so this is everyone minus Kyle and Samantha….

Spokesmodel Silliness!

At that point we ate some pasta and salad for dinner, and then we finished off the night with the piéce de résistance – the Just Baked cupcake tower with a Frameable Faces cake on top!!!  The Chubby Hubby, Red Velvet, and Grumpy Cake cupcakes were the first to go….  YUM!!!!

Just Baked

All in all it was a great night and we are so happy to have these amazing young people representing our studio!  As someone said during the party, “Peace Love and Frameable Faces”!!!!

The E Family Session

A few weeks ago, we had the E family in the studio.  They were such a blast to work with!  J and Ally had been friends since high school, but had fallen out of touch until recently.  We had such a nice time working with her, her husband M and their sweet kids!  So much personality in the studio!!!  The sounds of laughter were echoing throughout the mall.  Those are the kinds of sessions we love!


Child Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerFamily Photography, Frameable Faces Photography, Metro Detroit PhotographerFamily Portrait, Frameable Faces Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerFamily Portrait, Frameable Faces Photography, West Bloomfield Photographer

The B Family – B for beautiful that is…!

Ya know how there’s that one family that you’re always so excited to see when they stop by your studio (or workplace)?  The one with the adorable little kid who’s all personality that you just want to squeeze and talk to all day?  The people who you just click with – you can just sit and talk to them while you’re working so that your work doesn’t even seem like work?

THAT family came into the studio a few weeks ago.  You may recognize little MIss E from our studio walls.  She made Ally fall in love with her because of her super sweet personality that just shines through in every single photograph.  So when her parents came by several months ago and wanted to book a session, we were over the moon excited to work with them!

There was a ton of laughing and so many big personalities at Frameable Faces that day!  Not sure how you didn’t hear all of the noise, jokes and wit from where you were, but we can assure you….it was there!!!
Child Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerWest Bloomfield Photographer, Frameable Faces PhotographyFamily Photography, Frameable Faces Photography, Metro Detroit PhotographerFamily Portrait, Frameable Faces Photography, West Bloomfield PhotographerWatch out for the B family!!!  They’re definitely going places!  We expect big things from these guys!