What could have been a really tough session….

Turned into a really great one! This is N and L. When their mom came in and booked their Christmas card session, she told me that L hates to have his picture taken. So when L DID come in and started saying that he wanted to leave, I thought for sure I had my work cut out for myself! Especially when he started telling me that I couldn’t talk to him or play with his trucks, etc. I was thinking “Uh oh! I may have met my match!”

BUT-things quickly turned around when I put on my “Ally” charm. I had L smiling and laughing with his big brother.

We did a bunch of silhouettes at the beginning of the session just like their mom wanted (which I loved!!), and then we decided to take a little break so they could head down to Toys3 for a treat for being so good. N was all about making sure we were finished up by 6 so he could get his toys, so we made good on the promise.

Shortly after 6, I heard screaming and crying. Yep! As luck would have it, L really wanted an airplane and couldn’t get one at that time. He was all out of sorts and was NOT a happy camper. We even had a super nice man stop by and offer to make him an airplane! This guy was a seriously great paper-airplane-maker! Is this what it means when they say “it takes a village to raise a child?” So N was appeased for a few minutes and we ended up having to negotiate with him for a bit more. Finally, I had a great idea!

Seeing as it was the night before Thanksgiving and most of the stores were closed, I had the boys yell “BOO!” at me. When they did, I screamed! They thought that this was the funniest thing ever and that was it! I got both boys in flat out HUGE smiles.

By the end of the session N and L didn’t want to leave the studio. We got some unbelievable images and I know that S will be one happy mama! I even got a bunch of hugs from the boys on the way out! Did I mention how much I love my job?????

Until next time,

W-O-W!!! Talk about stunning!

These little girls are just adorable. Plus, the personalities of these little angels is just over the top awesome! They totally fit with everything we are here at the studio. Just totally fun little sweethearts.

Baby R was about the sweetest little girl ever. Her eyelashes are insanely long – like fake-eyelashes long. And her huge brown eyes were like little pools of adoration for her parents. She even came with her big “brother” Matisse. His images are coming, but when I say BIG brother…I’m so not kidding! He’s a French Mastiff and was so much fun to have in the studio.

R’s cousin’s S, A and M were equally as much fun and just as beautiful! Poor M wasn’t having much fun at all. She was crying and not acting herself…Poor thing wasn’t herself either. After the session we found out that she had a double ear infection. I wouldn’t be all smiley either if I had that going on. So M gets a re-do. That way, I’ll totally be able to capture her in all of her cuteness.

S is the perfect little lady. She is supremely photogenic and was a pleasure to work with. She was rocking it out and was such a little diva! I can only imagine what she’s going to be like when she gets a little bit older. Can you say STUNNING!!!???

Then there was A. To say that this little girl is a complete Rockstar would be a serious understatement. She was all about the camera and was mugging for it the whole time. What a face! She was a perfect little model, too. And was cracking me up the whole time!!!

Seriously, to be a mommy to any of these little girls…sheesh! Watch out, L and C! Your babies are gorgeous! And even better…they’re sweet! Thanks so much for letting me share a day with you all. I had a blast with all of you!!!

Until next time,

Uh oh!!! Double Trouble!!!

Ok, well not really double TROUBLE, but they were doubly cute! I was lucky enough to be able to work with Y and E a few days ago. They were so much fun and so delicious, too!

Y was the first to be photographed all by himself. His mommy said that he really didn’t like to have his picture taken, but based on what I got, I’d beg to differ! Y is such a sweetie and only wanted to be with his sister…But she had other plans!

Princess E is a center spotlight girl! So that makes her, what?? Totally typical! She was a total star and I got so many super duper adorable images of this little munchkin!

E and Y have the prettiest eyes – total doe eyes, and you all know I’m a total sucker for doe eyes! And E had the BEST legs! So delicious!!!

So between Y’s sugar sweetness and E’s yummy little baby bod, their mama is in total baby heaven! I know I would be!!!

Until next time,

Two of my newest favorites

Meet A and K. These two came in to the studio and we just had a ball! We took some video of our session together so we do have DOCUMENTED proof of how much fun we had. A couldn’t be a sweeter little boy. He was so relaxed and calm – a perfect little gentleman. Plus, just look at his amazing eyes. Seriously, could this kid look even more like an angel? My gosh!!!

Then we have K. She was a little ham! This little girl knows what she wants and thankfully, she was spot on! She is totally an inspiring fashionista! The red bow went with the red petti, the light one went with the green rainbow one…LOVED every minute of it! The image of her by herself was just an adorable silly K moment. I loved how she’d pulled that petticoat all the way up to her armpits!

Plus, I’m a total sucker for great big brown doe eyes. K was rockin’ those. They were so big and full – like little pools!

These guys came in for a Christmas card session – I think mom is going to have a hard time choosing one for their card. There are so many to select from. I guess that’s the punishment for having such cute kids!

Until next time,

Sweet baby “C”

I got a call from L asking about newborn images of her new daughter C. I happen to LOVE working with newborns! Since newborns are only “new” for so long, I have to work them in where I can. And I was so happy to be able to do it, too!! Now, newborns take a lot of time to work with. And princess C was no exception. We needed to have her with a full belly and really warm. It took a bit of time, but we finally did it!!!

You can totally tell how much she loves her Daddy and how much she loves snuggling in to her mommy too. It’s so nice to see families that are so in love with each other. Kind of gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, ya know?

We were even able to get a few shots in with C’s big brother R, but those are reserved for the family first! I’ll post those soon enough to the Frameable Faces group on Facebook.

So, in a quickie nutshell, I loved loved LOVED working with C. She’s a total sweetheart and I totally enjoyed the time we spent together. She was a total love and let me hold her and squish on her for like 4 hours. It almost made me want another baby! Almost!!!

Until next time,

The “S” family – they should’ve been the “F” family…

because they were so much FUN! Seriously, I don’t love shooting on Sundays simply because I like to hang out with my own family. But if shooting families like this one makes it a lot easier and so much fun! From the second they opened up their minivan door, I felt like I’ve known them for a very long time. H and A were a complete pleasure to work with. They were more like adults than kids. Very respectful and well mannered…exactly how we’d like our kids to be when they’re 12 and 14.

Lucky, the wonder dog, was a fun addition to the session as well. He kept us on our toes for the whole 2 hours we worked together and was such a good sport. M’s parents were in from out of town and they, too, were like old friends. Seriously, we had such a great time working with everyone during this session that when we left, I wanted to hang out with them some more! It was just that great!

I could go on and on about M and T, and their daughter and her sweet baby, too! We played some geography games to try to figure out if we knew each other from way back when, but came up a bit short. I bet if we had a little bit more time, we would’ve figured it out!

So, I’d be happy to write more about how much I liked this session and all the people involved, but that would take up so much room and I’d feel like I was gushing. So, just suffice it to say that we were able to capture some amazing images in our 2 hours together. I’d be so happy to work with these guys again! Just sayin’!

Until next time,

Complete and total cuteness!

That’s what these three were. L, J and H came in on Saturday and we had such a great time even though they’re football rivals! 🙂

L was a little ham and was all personality. He had me laughing as he was telling me that he was going to put ketchup, mustard and pepper on his toes so I wouldn’t eat them. He was cracking me up! J was so sweet and you could tell that he really looked up to his big brother. He was so stinkin’ cute and was just so easy going. Such a pleasure!

And then there was H. I don’t think we got one bad image of her. She was smiling throughout the whole session and was just so “picture perfect!” Her little eyes just sparkled and her little smile was simply brilliant.

I can’t wait to design their holiday card! That’s really what this session was about. Getting that one special image of the three of them together. I think we got it! And then some!!!

Until next time,

A really cool generational photo session

So, I know I’m way behind in blogging my sessions, but I’ve just been so busy! It’s a good problem to have but I hate being so late with it!

Anyways, I recently had the pleasure of photographing 4 generations of this amazing family. How special! Plus, they were incredibly cool and everyone was VERY well behaved. I love when families like this come in! They were all so nice and fun and we just had the very greatest time!

M contacted me on Facebook asking about a generational photograph and I was so happy to oblige! Especially when the family is like this one. Of course, I didn’t know this when they booked but it was a very pleasant surprise! 🙂

Ok…so enjoy the sneak peak! I loved this family!!!!

Until next time,

The ‘N’ Family

I loved working with these guys! They were all cracking me up, and even though they’re all beautiful, each one of them had something extraordinarily gorgeous about themselves. “S” showed how much he was completely and totally in love with his wife and their family. It was the sweetest thing! “E” is just totally innately a stunning lady. Everything about her is pretty. Her smile, her eyes, her skin, her smile….EVERYTHING!!!

It’s no wonder that from these two parent’s they got three of the most amazing children! “A” is an awesome brother. He was up for anything and was such an awesome model for me! What a cutie – Watch out ladies!!! 🙂 “H” is a very smart young lady! We had a really great conversation about art and paintings…even told her I’d bring in some signed prints from a friend of mine who’s an amazing artist. Plus, “H” has the prettiest eyes! Her eye color is just exquisite. And she’s such a little ham, too! I have a few of her hamming it up for the camera!

And then we get to Miss “A”….This little girl had me cracking up almost the entire session. She was doing all sorts of little things to get everyone laughing. And not just the bunny ears behind everyone’s heads. She’s a really funny kid! I worked with her and “H” for dance pictures and A was cracking me up even then!!

So, I had another great day with some great clients. Families like these makes me really really appreciate my job! Did I mention recently that I LOVE MY JOB???

Until next time,

“You must’ve been a beautiful baaaby”

That’s what people are going to say about this princess when she gets older. She is a BEAUTIFUL baby! And what a sweetheart, too. I think I fell in love with her the second I saw her. She was cuddled up on her daddy’s shoulder and gave me a coy little smile when she first got here. That was it! She stole my heart!

She was a bit tired because we ended up shooting right in the middle of naptime, so since they were a “basic plus” session, we were able to split the session. So she’ll be back on Wednesday. I can’t wait!!

OH!! One more cute “A” anecdote, I was bouncing her on my knees and she was cracking up, no naturally, I gave her a little smushin’. Would you believe that sweet little baby reached up and grabbed my face and pulled me closer! OMG!!! She’s so freakin’ sweet!!!!

Ok, that’s it for now! Be on the look out later on this week for more from the sweet little princess “A”!

Until next time,