The “G” siblings…

To say that this session was a ton of fun would be an understatement. These three had me rolling! They were so funny and they all got along so well! You could definitely see how much they all loved each other and even better than that, they truly seemed to LIKE each other!

R is so funny and I feel like I’ve known him for a long time. He’s just so at ease with himself and his younger sister and brother. You can just tell that he’s the protector!

S is simply stunning. I could’ve taken pictures of her all day! Her long curly hair is so beautiful and she’s just a lovely young lady. Someone you could totally trust your kids with.

B is the ham of the group. This little man is all personality. He’s truly a funny little kid and the chemistry he had with the other two had me laughing all the way throughout their session.

I hope you enjoy the G’s as much as I did! Leave a comment!!! Thanks for looking!

Until next time,

A Couple Cute Cousins – SNEAK PEAK

Well, it’s really three, but that title sounded so much better! So these three came into the studio over the weekend. I is the oldest and she was the anchor of Z and Z. They both wanted to be right by her. It was very sweet. You could feel the love that they all had for each other!

This session is a gift for some very special people. So I was very honored to be able to have a part in it. Master “Z” – he could’ve been a Gap model. I loved his long blond hair and even though he was super silly (just like all 7 year old boys!) we had a great time together and got a bunch of super great images of him, too! His baby blues just POP out at you!

Miss “Z”…what a little personality! She was striking poses and was one of the easiest little girls I’ve ever worked with. She really knew how to work it out in front of the camera! Needless to say, I got a bunch of great images of her!

Ok, so, this image here of Miss “I,” she’s got such a beautiful smile, and I had a hard time deciding which image to use for the blog. This one was the winner. No smiles, BUT her eyes in this image are simply amazing. I feel like you can see right into her soul. Such beauty in this young lady!

I know that this session will produce an absolutely stunning gift. They’re going to have a hard choice to make and it’s going to be pretty hard to choose just one!

Until next time,

Sneak a peak at my newest ambassador!

Meet D! He’s going to be a senior next year and is the newest Frameable Faces ambassador. We had the best time today – found the coolest spot in West Bloomfield and had our own little adventure. We got to work out in the “elements” and thankfully, D brought his incredibly fun (and really young looking 🙂 Dad with him. So I had a great built-in reflector holder.

These are just a few of the great images we got today. There are a bunch more, but I wanted to get these couple out there. Aren’t they great!? Post a comment and let me know what you think! And be on the lookout for some more of D to come.

If you’re interested in Senior pictures with Frameable Faces, please feel free to shoot me an email! And don’t forget to join my Facebook group – it’s Frameable Faces!!

Until next time,

The sneak peak of Master S

Master S won a gift certificate from Playhouse Theater a few months ago and when I saw that it was he who won it, I was more than excited! What a sweet little face! Today, he came in with his mom and grandma and we had a little bit of fun. I found out that he’s having a birthday next week, that his favorite color is purple and that he has two kitties! We got a whole bunch of really great images, and as promised, I’m showing two of them here as a sneak peak.

I can’t wait to finish some more of these. Anytime S and his sweet family wants to come back into the studio, you are MORE than welcome! And if you happen to come to the Orchard Mall for a Playhouse Theater, you may get to see this super cutie in person!!

Until next time,

She’s baaaack!

Princess “A” was in the studio this morning. I still love that little girl! She’s such a sweetie – one of my all time favorite people to photograph! Such a little personality…and always so much fun to be with. And I get to work with her again soon, too! Yay!

So this time just a few little words about the princess this time. Thanks so much for having such a cute baby, M and E! She’s the best!!!

Until next time,

B and J’s Engagement session

Today, I got to work with B and J. They’re getting married this coming up August and asked me to do their engagement images. To be very honest, I thought I had my work cut out for me with B. I heard that he wouldn’t smile. But, he definitely did! How could he not with his adorable fiancee right next to him!? We had a great time, and even though we had an audience for part of the session, we were all able to loosen up and get some amazing shots of them. These are just a few – enough to get just a glimpse into their relationship. What a couple of fun people!

Post a comment and let them know what you think! I think they’re great! I have my favorites…I’m sure you will too!

Until next time,

Pretty as a flower, “I” ‘s session

Last week, I had the fabulous pleasure of photographing “I”. She was my second session on a very hectic day. And I was so worried that her session wouldn’t go well based on everything that happened during the morning! WOW, was I wrong! After the addition of some new lights, since the old ones exploded earlier that day, I captured Miss Personality. She even brought her friend along with her for some fun shots.

So, here’s Lady “I.” She was a blast and totally ended my day on a high note. I was SO very thankful!

Until next time,

Look at these eyes!

I had this session with sweet little E on Sunday. She came in and was a bit sad, but had some food and all was good! She was clowning around in front of the camera for a good long time! I got a bunch of really great shots. I’m hoping to use some of cute little E in my marketing in the coming year. She was so much fun!

Until next time,

How much cuter can you get??

On Friday, I was super lucky to work with A and T. When they walked into the studio, I was SO excited to photograph them for their Christmas cards. What absolutely gorgeous children! And what little personalities. A is a little mommy – very sweet to her little brother, and T was making me laugh the entire time! What a little ham!

I love when my sessions are like this! Sweet kiddos, fun parents. I love my job!

Until next time,

“Z” Sneak Peak

Couldn’t help that play on words there! This is the Z family. What a fun session to have! Even Grandma R got in on it! I and L are incredibly full of personality as you can clearly see, and E,M and R (who just happen to be great friends of ours!) were naturals in front of the camera.

They just had to get into the studio during November so they could participate in the promotion. So great and very much appreciated! At the end of the day, L discovered my cute pink pettis and donned one for her own little mini mini session. So much fun!!!

Everyone had a great time in the studio and during the session…Be on the lookout for these guys! They’re all destined for GREAT things!!

Until next time,