Tag Archives: Judaism

The Crying Baby In The Window Grows Up And Has His Bar Mitzvah!

Time sure flies… 
So if you’ve been in the Orchard Mall you’ve undoubtedly noticed the crying baby in the window of our studio – it’s impossible not to and that photo has provided many a smile and a laugh to a passerby over the past decade-plus…
Crying Baby
Well that little crying baby is our nephew Gabe, and Gabe hit the milestone of his Bar Mitzvah this past Fall!  Like many events that were scheduled for 2020 there were many adjustments that had to be made on the fly – in Gabe’s case a postponement and then a scaling back that may have bummed out and even broken a “lesser man”, but Gabe took it in stride and didn’t let a crappy year dim his shine!  With a little creativity and a lot of hard work it was still an event to remember.  I know we always will!

The Crying Baby Grows Up

Just look at this dude:
That pic sums it up, but we have plenty more highlights to share, taken by our awesome event photographer Angela!
Gabe’s service was immediate family only.  BUT…. everyone was still “there” not only on zoom but in the form of cutouts like you see at sporting events!!!  They filled the sanctuary and I (Doug) grabbed this panorama with my iPhone of the scene!
How cool is that?  This was a surprise for Gabe – just one of many ways his parents Stacy and Jason made it special for him (cutouts by Winning Imprints)!
Here is the man at the bimah with the Torah!
After a small outdoor “tailgate” in the parking lot with a few masked and distanced family members we headed back to the house for a very small get together, with all of Gabe’s favorite foods!
Gotta love the special edition Gabriel gear!  Hoodies by MyLocker.net in Detroit!  We even had Gabriel masks!
Yum!  Cookies by Sweet Hart’s Cookie Co.!
Here’s Gabe with his fam!
….and here is one below with his cousins!  That’s our Lacey & Tony with Gabe, Lindsay and Sam!
And we’ll leave you with this one of the man of the day and his pup Hazel!
And there you have it – a fabulous day full of nachas for Gabe’s Bar Mitzvah!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of that amazing day!
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Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
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