Tag Archives: #AdamsArcade2k16

Game On! It’s Time For A Bar Mitzvah Celebration At Adam’s Arcade!

Adam’s Arcade was a fantastic event and this was our second go around with this family – you may remember older brother Jesse’s bar mitzvah celebration a little while back with our event photographer Angela capturing the images of these wonderful events each time!  We’re coming up on a quarter century of knowing the Krugels and both families are done with the bar and bat mitzvahs of this generation – time sure flies.  Meanwhile Adam is an awesome kid and a total character – his personality was stamped all over this party for sure…

Family shots at the Temple…

Let’s tell the story of the day in much the same way as last time around starting with the photos of the family at the temple and on the bimah itself…

Adam's Arcade
The man of the hour!!!

….and the happy family:

Adam's Arcade

If you can’t be silly with your brother who can you be silly with….?

Adam's Arcade

So cool to have all of your grandparents with you celebrating your big day….

Adam's Arcade

The tradition of being called to read from the Torah is so special…

Adam's Arcade

Adam’s Arcade!

Now let’s get to the bash – and it was such a cool theme.  Adam’s arcade was just that – a legit arcade!  Sure there was a DJ and a dance floor and fun decorations but there was actually an arcade in the back of the room complete with video games, and they also had a sweet retro logo which was available as a snapchat filter!

Let’s start with a shot of Adam with the ladies!  Haha!

Adam's Arcade

Here’s a great photo of the proud parents just beaming during the montage!

Adam's Arcade

Think this kid was having fun on his big day……?

Adam's Arcade

Meanwhile the kudos need to once again go to our incredible event photographer Angela – we love her.  She’s gotta be good on multiple levels for us to put our name on her work and she makes us proud each and every time.  Here’s a little over the shoulder behind the scenes shot of Angela at work at the party…

Adam's Arcade

Here are the grandpas say the blessing over the challah!

Adam's Arcade

We weren’t kidding about the arcade….. Super Mario!!!

Adam's Arcade

Adam and his crew….

Adam's Arcade

Surveying the whole scene from up high during the hora!!!

Adam's Arcade

So there you have it!  Another successful and fun event that we were so happy to be a part of!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
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