I had my portfolio review and got some exciting news!

So, today I woke up super early (before 5 a.m!) after a LONG night of partying and had an unbelievable day! I took classes today on marketing, lighting and learned all about a very cool “boutique-y” studio. I walked around the expo all afternoon – it’s SO big and packed with so much information that I was in camera heaven! So nuts!! But it was so exciting, too! There’s so much stuff that’s being brought to market that I just can’t wait to get a hold of it all. And I can’t wait to be able to share it with all of you!

So, in 2008, I’m going to be offering a bunch of new things like great spiral bound “brag” books, and leather bound wallet sized “brag” books, too! You’re just going to have to wait to see everything! Unbelievable stuff! So exciting!

Speaking of exciting, when I had my porfolio review, I got a pretty good one (which always makes me happy!) and she strongly suggested that I enter an image into the Black-and-White category. It’s an image of Ewan and it’s one of my most favorites! So, that’s my new news! I’ll be submitting it to another conference competition in March, too. I’ll let you know how I fare!

So, now I’m off to bed so I can get up and start learning more all over again! This has been an amazing trip so far!!!

One response on “I had my portfolio review and got some exciting news!

  1. Ange (Ewan's mom)

    I’m so excited for you!!! And to think, all of this from a proud mama on craigs list! lol

    It looks like you’ve got a very exciting year ahead of you.

    Congrats, girl!

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