Tag Archives: TuneIn

The Doug & Ally Morning Show PODCAST is here!


Morning Show Podcast

We have a PODCAST!!!  I guess you could say this story began almost 5 years ago really… We have been livestreaming on Periscope since March 31st, 2015 – 5 days after the app launched in the app store.  Since then we’ve met people virtually through Periscope all over the world, spoken at the Periscope Community Summit (Summit Live) in San Francisco, visited and/or photographed people we’ve met in Biloxi, Pensacola, Orlando, Mobile, New York, and Harbor Springs, restored photos for people around the globe and had visitors from Periscope at the studio from Chicago, Delaware, Washington D.C., Kansas, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, England, and Australia!  Doug got one of his digital marketing clients from Periscope too!

It’s been one amazing ride.

Our show is on in the mornings generally Tuesday – Friday (and once in a while Saturday) sometime between 9:30 and 11:30EST and usually goes for about an hour.  There’s lots of fun banter and a crew who is known as the “Octosquad” – plenty of shenanigans and inside jokes, not to mention telemarketing pranks.

We even have a hilarious logo designed by the amazing Rich Nairn and you can see the “history” of the Doug & Ally Morning Show in the form of his doodles at our Pinterest board… should give you a chuckle.

Morning Show Podcast

Enter The Doug & Ally Morning Show Podcast!

Meanwhile, over time our peeps started suggesting that we start a podcast.  Podcasting is becoming a popular medium – people love to be able to listen to them on demand while they’re commuting, making dinner – in their car, on their headphones, with Alexa….  So after a brief series of episodes exclusively on our Patreon page which was subscription only, we decided to reboot it and open it up to the masses!  We have three episodes live already and you can listen to them at the following embedded players and/or links.  We’re still adding new platforms and we’re already almost everywhere you likely get your podcasts. 

One last thing.  The podcast is free.  IF you are inclined to support the podcast, we would like to treat this separately in terms of the time it takes to line up guests, record, and invest in the podcast.  We’d like to start upgrading to some proper equipment to upgrade the quality as well.  So if you want to visit the Patreon page and subscribe we will give a shout out on the show when we get supporters, we’ll send you a Doug & Ally Morning Show bookmark and we’ll keep growing it – maybe with behind the scenes goodies and who knows what else?  Like I said – it’s not required, but it’s worth it for some people to get involved and help grow this thing, and then we’ll get sponsors and maybe we can make a few dollars!  We’ll be grateful if you do!

The current episode is the one that shows on the embedded players below, but you can click on the links and binge ALL of them from the beginning!  Subscribe on your platform of choice and reviews (on Apple podcasts / iTunes for example) help too!

So enjoy, and there will be more to come – we’re just getting started!!!

Our host site is Anchor.fm and here is the podcast player for it.

You can also get us on Spotify:


Castbox – you can see all 3 episodes in their embedded player (kinda cool):

TuneIn (which is the one Alexa uses – you should be able to just ask Alexa to play The Doug & Ally Morning Show Podcast!

Here are ALL the links (so far….)

Pocket Casts ➡️ https://pca.st/2a51xcac
TuneIn ➡️ http://tun.in/tjz3HW
Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
Social Media Services: http://M10Social.com
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