Tag Archives: Tappers Jewelry Store

Boy meets girl…..

Boy courts girl through high school, college and several moves throughout thecountry. And then he enters a contest to win an incredibly beautifulengagement ring from Tapper’s Jewelry Store.

E and M have quite an amazing love story. It started back in high school (to know me is to know that I’m a sucker for couples that meet in highschool. These two actually DATED in high school. So cute!). You can read the whole story here.

Well…when we found out that E won the ring, we were asked how late we were going to be at the studio that evening. When we asked why and were given the answer, we JUMPED at the opportunity to photograph an engagement.

At 7:30, Tracie from Tapper’s came down to get us. We all but ran down the hallway (with our super excited 12 year old and 10 year olds in tow – they were almost as excited as we were!).

We walked into Tapper’s and waited while E and M were “interviewed” one last time. It was really a diversion tactic that E set up so that his whole family, M’s whole family and we could get down to the store to be able to photograph the question being popped.

Frameable Faces Engagement Photography

Down on one knee. M sees her ring for the first time.

Frameable Faces Photography, Engagement Photography, Tappers Jewelry

M realizes what is going on!

Frambeable Faces Photography, Tappers Jewelry


Frameable Faces Photography, Tappers Jewelry

The first kiss as fiancés.

When the door opened, and E and M came out, M saw every one around. E got down on one knee with an opened ringbox, and asked M to marry him.

I was teary, my daughter was teary, both moms were teary, E was teary….you get the picture! And ya know what? SO DID I!!!

This was such an incredible event to be a part of! There’s nothing like the beginning of something absolutely beautiful. Family, love and diamonds…. Does it get any better than that???

Frameable Faces Photography, Tappers Jewelry

In front of the winning video that E submitted to win the ring.

Many congratulations to you, E and M! We hope that you’re as happy for the rest of your lives as you are now! Thank you for letting us help you capture this amazing milestone in your lives!