Tag Archives: Suit and Tie

Blake Is A Bad Dude And He Brought It On His Senior Photo Session!

Blake is a bad dude and what a senior session we had with him!  As for him being a bad dude let me explain…  We’ve known Blake and his mom for a bit and our son Tony actually was on the swimming team with Blake in middle school – even back then Blake was blowing people out of the pool.  He’s a heck of an athlete.  But part of being a bad dude is also being nice to your mom and Blake appears to have a great relationship with his mom Carol who joined us.  He’s just a mild mannered enjoyable guy to be around!  He plays guitar too so he is really well rounded.  Overall those are the things that make him a bad dude!

First to Pontiac…

Blake was really prepared with the style – Ally loves pink shirts on guys and he had his letter jacket, a formal look, and his guitar too.  We had a great game plan to head to Pontiac and get some edgy shots and that’s what we did first so we will start there:

Bad Dude Blake

Self assured and cool!

Next we have a nice one in the letter jacket.

Bad Dude Blake

Before we get to a couple more let’s see some of the behind the scenes from the day.  First with our 6 second looping vine which includes Blake playing a couple chords from “All Along The Watchtower” in front of a huge Jimi Hendrix canvas!

So cool!

Next we have the extended replays of our Periscope broadcasts.  You can join in our broadcasts in the app at @frameablefaces at this link or you can watch them live on twitter as well.

First in Pontiac:

Next as we head back indoors here is the broadcast from the Frameable Faces studio!

Bad Dude Blake

Here are a couple of studio photos – they are awesome.

Bad Dude Blake

GQ all the way…

And lastly here’s a little boyish charm in the pink!

Bad Dude Blake

So there it is – Blake is a bad dude indeed and we hope you enjoyed our highlights of our day with him!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
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