Tag Archives: Shifra Studio

Elated To Extol Emma and Her Senior Portraits!

Yes we are “elated to extol” Emma and present some sneak peeks from her senior session for a couple reasons.  For starters she insisted to her dad Phil (who you’ll meet as a Periscope guest host in the replay of our live broadcast a little later) that they travel here from Ann Arbor for senior portraits.  We don’t take that lightly since it’s a bit of a hike during the week with work and school schedules.  Emma saw photos from a friend’s senior session that we did and decided we were the studio for her.  The girl knows what she wants and we appreciate that kind of passion, so while we bring our “A” game for all of our seniors, we really wanted to nail it on this day.

To Extol Emma…

Besides as you can see even just in the six second vine loop posted below we had a bunch of fun on this session as well and the conditions were perfect.  Shout out goes to Shifra Raskin down the hall from our studio for the makeup, and Emma looked great!  So without further adieu let’s get to the photos…

Extol Emma

We started on location at one of our favorite spots along the West Bloomfield trail network where the colors were starting to turn for a little of that “Pure Michigan” look…  The colors turned a full week later this year so we were nervous that we wouldn’t have any but as you can see above we found some…

Before we head to our next location let’s look at our behind the scenes footage of our day first with our six second looping vine:

Next we have the replay of our Periscope broadcasts.  There is a little disclaimer on this.  Apparently we recorded these too close to the 24 hour expiration and the comments are missing on the YouTube video below.  BUT, you CAN catch the replays with comments if you like on our Katch.me page at this link for part 1 and this link for part 2.  Emma’s dad Phil helped out by guest hosting and doing a great job!!!

Now let’s get back to a few more photos…  Love these next two at the nature preserve!

Extol Emma

So pretty…

And one in the meadow:

Extol Emma

Loving the backlight on her hair…

We did head back to the studio at this point to get a few indoor portraits and we’ll leave you with one of those on the red couch…

Extol Emma

And there you have it!  To “extol Emma” was our pleasure and we hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with her!