Tag Archives: Plum Market

Jacob’s Senior Session Was Sweet In More Ways Than One!

Jacob’s senior session was sweet in more ways than one and we’ll be returning to the sweet theme frequently as we tell the tale of our day with him!  For starters he’s a sweet guy and he loves to laugh.  We all had each other cracking up for much of his session!  Jacob has a great sense of humor and we weren’t surprised since we know the family – Ally is related to them and they are great people!  We photographed Jacob’s older sister Shaina a couple years ago for her senior pictures so we were excited to photograph Jacob.

We started on location with Jacob and his mom at the Franklin Cider Mill which is a fun (and tasty) place to shoot!  We shoot there a couple times per year and of course we got some sweet cider and donuts while we were there – more sweetness!  There are a couple of cool bridges there which we used for this shot…

Session Was Sweet

Handsome guy right?  The lighting was really nice too!  Here is one more shot from the cider mill:

Session Was Sweet

Next let’s take a look at our fun behind the scenes vine from the day!

Now here is where the session really took a sweet turn!  Often with our seniors at some point in their session we do a themed shot if there is something that really defines them, or if we want to recreate a fun photo from their childhood, or any type of extracurricular activity – some of these get really fun and creative!  In Jacob’s case we called ahead to Plum Market to see if we could take a photo in front of their Godiva chocolate display and they said sure!  Like I said – here’s where things get really sweet!  Haha!

Session Was Sweet

At this point it was time to head back to the studio and we’ll leave you with this awesome shot on the blue – love the cool scarf!

Session Was Sweet

So as you can see this session was certainly sweet in more ways than one!  Sweet guy, sweet cider and donuts, sweet chocolate – life should always be so sweet!