Tag Archives: Francie Paull Fruitman Makeup Artist

Elizabeth Elicits Oohs and Aahs On Her Senior Session!

We’ve known Elizabeth a long time going back to elementary school days with our daughter and we hadn’t really “hung out” with her in a while.  We’ve seen her around town sure but this was so much fun on so many levels – for starters when she came in for her consultation we were struck by how grown up she had become and how much she sounded like her mom Lorie!  So cute – totally like a mini Lorie.  She’s a sharp cookie and an athlete – the girl has it all, and we knew this would be a fun session.  You’ll see below as Elizabeth elicits oohs and aahs!

Then, when she showed up the day of her session made up and ready to roll she looked beautiful!  That’s where the oohs and aahs started (haha).  And what was really cool was with their busy schedules it worked out better for her dad Adam to come to the session and we really had a great time.  Conditions were great and so off we went!

Elizabeth Elicits Oohs and Aahs…

We started in the studio and did a little shooting on the black background with our “black and blowy” setup – this is a great one to start with:

Elizabeth Elicits

Great huh?

Meanwhile here is the first of some behind the scenes broadcasts we did during our day – this one is from Periscope and you can follow us and be a part of the broadcasts at this link or you can just watch from twitter as well by following us there at this link:

Now as we get set to head outdoors for some location photos let’s have a little fun with the Snap story we posted that day on Snapchat!

Now it’s time to head outside for the location part of the session, and here we’ll give a little shout out on the makeup by Francie Paull Fruitman!

Elizabeth Elicits

Love the meadow photo…

As you see from the title of the second Periscope we were out there in the “golden hour” when the sun is going down and the lighting is amazing… and we have that little pop of fall color that we love!

Elizabeth Elicits

We also have a little more behind the scenes action too from Facebook!

And we’ll leave you with this last photo from the session…

Elizabeth Elicits

So we were happy to share and have Elizabeth elicit more oohs and aahs from you all!  We hope you enjoyed these highlights from our day with her!


Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
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