Tag Archives: Fox Sports Detroit

Get Your Professional Headshots! These Three Did – Here Are Examples!

Professional headshots are important for lots of reasons and lots of different needs.  For starters they look….well….professional, and if you are looking for a job, promoting your brand, modeling, or looking to get your personality across in a way that does it right your best bet is to trust a pro – not just Ally but in general.  Here we have a few recent ones to share with you just for fun, partly because it may be helpful, give you an idea or two, and let’s be real – we just like these people and we want them on our blog.

Get Your Professional Headshots!

We’ll start with Jack.  Jack is a bad dude and freshly graduated from the University of Michigan – he’s heading out into the workplace, already has a gig lined up and needs a nice professional photo to put online – like LinkedIn perhaps.  When it comes to professional headshots for many LinkedIn is the go to because that’s typically where you represent your professional self.  Yes LinkedIn is social, but it’s social in a professional context so if you’re a consultant or an attorney you may not want a funny photo of you eating a burger which could be good for a giggle on Facebook for example.  These are relatively standard with a slight difference in posture from one to the next which signals a little more engagement with the viewer respectively…


Professional Headshots

And now leaning in a little…

Professional Headshots

There are lots of nuances to the posing depending on how you want to represent yourself…

Of course it wouldn’t be a Frameable Faces blog post without some behind the scenes fun right?  Just a quick blast from twitter…


Next we have Leah – Leah is an aspiring model and needed some photos to send to agencies and eventually maybe some comp cards – we do plenty of these and they’re a lot of fun!  Leah was great in front of the camera!!!

Professional Headshots

Here’s a little Facebook fun behind the scenes from Leah’s session….  

And here’s one more from Leah…  what a rock star!

Professional Headshots


Last but not least here’s Ken – yes you recognize him as the play-by-play announcer for the Detroit Red Wings on Fox Sports Detroit.  Ken is obviously an established guy and needed a few different photos for various things he has going and in his case while we used the same blue / grey mottled backdrop we used for Jack above we changed it up and did a couple professional and a couple casual.  Different styles for different uses.

Here’s the casual in three quarter length:

Professional Headshots

Some behind the scenes fun where you can see Ken switched to a more formal look…

…and the result:

Professional Headshots


And now all three of them have the professional headshots to help them with their successes in the world!  Hope you enjoyed this photo essay – we sure enjoyed having them here at the studio!

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Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
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