Tag Archives: Cowgirl

Getting Acquainted With Anabel On Her Senior Session!

Getting acquainted with Anabel was definitely something we would recommend!  This girl definitely has personality, style and flair and just the right sprinkling of snark to make us laugh!  Her mom Cindy and her little sis Eliza both came along for the day and we had perfect sunny weather.  Anabel is a drama queen too – no not that kind of drama queen – she’s a tech in the drama department at her school!  The girl has skills.  We had a solid game plan to do a bit in the studio including the yearbook shot before we headed out to get some nature themed photos, so let’s start in the studio…

Getting Acquainted With Anabel

We used our red couch / black background set up indoors which is always a winner!

Anabel How great are the cowboy boots with the denim?  We stuck with this theme on location too which you’ll see in a sec, but before we do that let’s look at some of the behind the scenes fun from the day!  First with our 6 second looping vine:

Next we have the replays of our Periscope broadcasts which are a lot of fun – and they’re even more fun to watch and be a part of live which you can do from your smartphone by downloading the app and following us at @frameablefaces here.  You can also watch from twitter here.

First in the studio…

….and then on location!

Now let’s get back to the photos on location!

This photo is a first – it’s the first time we’ve brought this particular chair on location and Anabel looks fantastic in it outside with perfect lighting on her hair!


Next we have our girl on a bridge – one of our more secluded spots we don’t get to very often…


And lastly we have a pensive Anabel with another wardrobe change in front of the stone wall…


And there you have it – now you are acquainted with Anabel too!  We hope you enjoyed the highlights of our day with her!

Frameable Faces Photography
Frameable Faces Photography is a small biz retail mom & pop shop of Doug&Ally Cohen located in the Orchard Mall in West Bloomfield, Michigan, United States Of America!
Ally & Doug can be reached at the studio at tel:248-790-7317 or emailed at mailto:info@frameablefaces.com
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