Q: Is Frameable Faces A Chain or Franchise?

NO!!!  We are a local independent “mom and pop shop” operating less than 5 minutes from where we both grew up.  This is our life.

Q: Boudoir?  What’s that?  Wait – You Don’t Do That Here At The Studio Do You?

Boudoir photos are empowering and sexy.  Some adults do them just for themselves and some do it for a significant other as a present to spice up a relationship.  They are a lot of fun and we do them off site!

Q: Two Hours?  My Kids Won’t Sit And Pose That Long.  No Way.

We know.  That’s why we need two hours.  We like to joke and say if we can find just 10 good minutes somewhere in that two hours we’ll be fine!  Kids might need a little time to get comfortable, they might need to take breaks, we might need to wait out a meltdown or a time out and if there are babies involved there could be diaper changes or snack breaks.  Clothing changes and background changes take time – it goes fast and if we don’t use all two hours that’s fine, but at least we have the time available so we aren’t rushed.

Q: Will You Come To My House For Family Photos Or Can We Go To A Park?  Where Would We Go?

We do shoot on location for a fee.  The standard studio session fee is $300 and for on location it is $400.  We can come to your home, or we have many locations around town where we like to photograph.  We can go through them with you at your consultation ahead of time so we can design the best session for you.

Q: How will we pick out the pictures if we or our relatives live out of town?

The best way to do this is in a real time meeting via Zoom where we can share our computer screens and go through the photos together.